// $Id: default_buttons_functions.js,v 2009/02/22 01:24:51 ufku Exp $ //collection of functions required for default buttons. //Automatically break new lines like in Drupal preview. ported from the php equivalent http://photomatt.net/scripts/autop function eDefAutoP(txt, br) { var br = typeof br == 'undefined' ? 1 : br; var txt = txt||''; if (!txt.match(/\n|\r/)) return txt; txt += '\n'; // just to make things a little easier, pad the end txt = txt.replace(/
/g, '\n\n'); var blocks = '(table|thead|tfoot|caption|colgroup|tbody|tr|td|th|div|dl|dd|dt|ul|ol|li|pre|select|form|blockquote|address|math|style|script|object|input|param|p|h[1-6])'; txt = txt.replace(new RegExp('(<' + blocks + '[^>]*>)', 'g'), '\n$1'); txt = txt.replace(new RegExp('(<\/' + blocks + '>)', 'g'), '$1\n\n'); txt = txt.replace(/\r\n|\r/g, '\n'); // cross-platform newlines txt = txt.replace(/\n\n+/g, '\n\n'); // take care of duplicates txt = txt.replace(/\n?((.|\n)+?)\n\s*\n/g, '


\n'); // make paragraphs txt = txt.replace(/\n?((.|\n)+?)$/, '


\n'); //including one at the end txt = txt.replace(/

\s*?<\/p>/g, ''); // under certain strange conditions it could create a P of entirely whitespace txt = txt.replace(/

(]*>\s*)/g, '$1

'); txt = txt.replace(/

([^<]+)\s*?(<\/(div|address|form)[^>]*>)/g, '


$2'); txt = txt.replace(new RegExp('

\s*(<\/?' + blocks + '[^>]*>)\s*<\/p>', 'g'), '$1'); txt = txt.replace(/

(/g, '$1'); // problem with nested lists txt = txt.replace(/

]*)>/g, '

'); txt = txt.replace(/<\/blockquote><\/p>/g, '

'); txt = txt.replace(new RegExp('

\s*(<\/?' + blocks + '[^>]*>)', 'g'), '$1'); txt = txt.replace(new RegExp('(<\/?' + blocks + '[^>]*>)\s*<\/p>', 'g'), '$1'); if (br) { txt = txt.replace(/<(script|style)(.|\n)*?<\/\1>/g, function($0) {return $0.replace(/\n/g, '')}); txt = txt.replace(/(
)?\s*\n/g, '
\n'); // optionally make line breaks txt = txt.replace(//g, '\n'); } txt = txt.replace(new RegExp('(<\/?' + blocks + '[^>]*>)\s*
', 'g'), '$1'); txt = txt.replace(/
(\s*<\/?(p|li|div|dl|dd|dt|th|pre|td|ul|ol)[^>]*>)/g, '$1'); if (txt.indexOf(')((.|\n)*?)<\/pre>/g, function($0, $1, $2, $3) {return $1.replace(/\\([\'\"\\])/g, '$1') + $3.replace(/

/g, '\n').replace(/<\/p>|
/g, '').replace(/\\([\'\"\\])/g, '$1') + ''}); //' } txt = txt.replace(/\n<\/p>$/g, '

'); return txt; } //enclose lines in the selected text with inA and inB and then enclose the resulting text with outA and outB. If the selected text was processed before, restore it. function eDefTagLines(outA, inA, inB, outB) { var match, E = BUE.active, sel = E.getSelection().replace(/\r\n|\r/g, '\n'); if (!sel) E.tagSelection(outA+inA, inB+outB); else if (match = sel.match(new RegExp('^'+ eDefRegEsc(outA) + eDefRegEsc(inA) +'((.|\n)*)'+ eDefRegEsc(inB) + eDefRegEsc(outB) +'$'))) { E.replaceSelection(match[1].replace(new RegExp(eDefRegEsc(inB) +'\n'+ eDefRegEsc(inA), 'g'), '\n')); } else E.replaceSelection(outA + inA + sel.replace(/(\r?\n|\r)/g, inB +'$1'+ inA) + inB + outB); } eDefSelProcessLines = eDefTagLines;//backwards compatibility. //return html for the given tag. attributes having value=null are not printed. function eDefHTML(tag, innerHTML, attributes) { var attr = attributes||{}, inner = innerHTML||''; var html = '<'+ tag; for (var i in attr) { html += attr[i] == null ? '' : ' '+ i +'="'+ attr[i] +'"'; } html += eDefNoEnd(tag) ? (' />'+ inner) : ('>'+ inner +''); return tag ? html : inner; } //check if the tag is non-closing function eDefNoEnd(tag) { return !tag || $.inArray(tag, ['img', 'input', 'hr', 'br']) > -1; } //returns form input html. function eDefInput(type, name, value, attributes) { return eDefHTML('input', '', $.extend({'type': type, 'name': name, 'value': value||null}, attributes)); } function eDefInputText(name, value, size) { return eDefInput('text', name, value, {'size': size||null}); } function eDefInputSubmit(name, value) { return eDefInput('submit', name, value); } //returns selectbox. options is the object having property:value pairs. function eDefSelectBox(name, value, options, attributes) { var options = options||{}, html = ''; for (var i in options) { html += eDefHTML('option', options[i], {'value': i, 'selected': i == value ? 'selected' : null}); } return eDefHTML('select', html, $.extend({}, attributes, {'name': name})); } //return a table row containing the cells(array of strings or objects(data:string, attributes:object)) function eDefRow(cells, attributes) { var html = ''; for (var i in cells) { html += typeof(cells[i]) == 'string' ? eDefHTML('td', cells[i]) : eDefHTML('td', cells[i]['data'], cells[i]['attributes']); } return eDefHTML('tr', html, attributes); } function eDefTable(rows, attributes) { var row, html = ''; for (var i=0; row=rows[i]; i++) { html += typeof(row['data']) == 'undefined' ? eDefRow(row) : eDefRow(row['data'], row['attributes']); } return eDefHTML('table', html, attributes); } //Previews the textarea content. By default, lines and paragraphs break automatically. Set NoAutoP=true to preview pure html. Set selOnly=true to preview only the selected text. function eDefPreview(NoAutoP, selOnly) { var E = BUE.active, T = $(E.textArea); if (!E.preview) { E.preview = $(document.createElement('div')).addClass('preview').css({'display': 'none', 'overflow': 'auto'}).insertBefore(T); } var P = E.preview; if (P.css('display') == 'none') { var html = selOnly ? E.getSelection() : T.val(); html = NoAutoP ? html : eDefAutoP(html); P.show().height(T.height()).width(T.width()).html('
'+ html +'
'); T.height(1); E.buttonsDisabled(true, E.bindex); $(E.buttons[E.bindex]).addClass('stay-clicked'); } else { $(E.buttons[E.bindex]).removeClass('stay-clicked'); E.buttonsDisabled(false); T.height(P.height()); P.hide(); } } //Display help text(button title) for each button of the BUE. function eDefHelp(effect) { var B, rows = [], E = BUE.active; if (typeof E.helpHTML == 'undefined') { for (var i = 0; B = E.buttons[i]; i++) { rows[i] = [eDefInput(B.type, null, B.value||null, {'class': B.className, 'src': B.src||null}), B.title]; } E.helpHTML = eDefTable(rows, {'id': 'editor-help'}); } BUE.quickPop.open(E.helpHTML, effect); } //html for file browser button.. function eDefBrowseButton(url, field, text, type) { return url ? eDefInput('button', 'brw', text||'Browse', {'onclick': 'eDefFileBrowser(\''+ url +'\', this.form.elements[\''+ field +'\'].value, \''+ type +'\')'}) : ''; } //open the file browser. function eDefFileBrowser(bURL, fURL, type) { eDefFileURL = fURL; if (typeof eDefImceWin == 'undefined' || eDefImceWin.closed) {//open popup eDefImceWin = window.open(bURL + (bURL.indexOf('?') < 0 ? '?' : '&') +'app=BUEditor|onload@eDefImceLoad', '', 'width='+ 760 +',height='+ 560 +',resizable=1'); } else eDefImceHighlight();//if popup is already opened. highlight the file url. eDefImceWin.focus();//bring the popup into view } //Executed when imce loads. Sets a send to opearation.(title is "Send to BUEditor". files are send to eDefImceFinish) function eDefImceLoad(win) { win.imce.setSendTo(Drupal.t('Send to @app', {'@app': 'BUEditor'}), eDefImceFinish); eDefImceHighlight(); $(window).unload(function() { if (eDefImceWin && !eDefImceWin.closed) eDefImceWin.close(); }); } //IMCE complete function eDefImceFinish(file, win) { var el = document.forms['eDefForm'].elements; var val = {'src': file.url, 'alt': file.name, 'href': file.url, 'width': file.width, 'height': file.height} for (var i in val) { if (el['attr_'+i]) el['attr_'+i].value = val[i]; } win.blur();//or close() el[el.length-1].focus();//focus on last element. } //IMCE file highlight function eDefImceHighlight() { eDefImceWin.imce.highlight(eDefFileURL.substr(eDefFileURL.lastIndexOf('/')+1)); } //open a dialog for any tag to get user input for the given attributes(fields). function eDefTagDialog(tag, fields, dtitle, stitle, func, effect) { var field, title, html, rows = [], sel = BUE.active.getSelection(), obj = eDefParseTag(sel, tag)||{'attributes': {}}; for (var i=0; field = fields[i]; i++) { field = typeof(field) == 'string' ? {'name': field} : field; if (field.name == 'html') field.value = typeof obj.innerHTML == 'string' ? obj.innerHTML : sel; title = typeof(field.title) == 'string' ? field.title : field.name.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + field.name.substr(1); html = eDefAttrField(field, obj.attributes[field.name]); while (field.getnext && (field = fields[++i])) { if (typeof(field) == 'string') field = {'name': field}; html += eDefAttrField(field, obj.attributes[field.name]); } rows[rows.length] = [title, html]; } html = eDefTable(rows, {'class': 'editor-tagedit'}) +'
'+ eDefHTML('input', '', {'type': 'submit', 'value': stitle||null}); html = eDefHTML('form', html, {'name': 'eDefForm', 'onsubmit': (func||'eDefTagInsert')+'(\''+ tag +'\', this); return false;'}); BUE.dialog.open(dtitle||(tag.toUpperCase() +' Tag Dialog'), html, effect); try{document.forms['eDefForm'].elements[0].focus()} catch(e){};//try focusing on the first input } //return form element html for a given attribute(field) function eDefAttrField(field, value) { var name = 'attr_'+ field.name; var value = (typeof(value) == 'string' ? value : (field.value||'')).replace(/'); } }catch(e){}} //if the given text matches html syntax of the given tag, return attributes and innerHMTL of it, otherwise return null. function eDefParseTag(text, tag) { var result, arr = [], attr = {}; var re = new RegExp('^<'+ tag +'([^>]*)'+ (eDefNoEnd(tag) ? '' : ('>((.|[\r\n])*)<\/'+tag)) +'>$'); if (result = re.exec(text)) { if ((arr = result[1].split('"')).length > 1) { for (var i = 0; typeof(arr[i+1]) != 'undefined'; i += 2) { attr[arr[i].replace(/\s|\=/g, '')] = arr[i+1]; } } return {'attributes': attr, 'innerHTML' : result[2]||''}; } return null; } //escape regular expression specific characters function eDefRegEsc (text) { return text.replace(/([\\\^\$\*\+\?\.\(\)\[\]\{\}\|])/g, '\\$1'); }; //create clickable tag options that insert corresponding tags into the editor.[[tag, title, attributes],[...],...] function eDefTagChooser(tags, applyTag, wrapEach, wrapAll, effect) { var content = ''; var choice = eDefHTML(wrapEach, '%html') +'\n'; for (var i in tags) { var html = eDefHTML(tags[i][0], tags[i][1], tags[i][2]); content += choice.replace('%html', applyTag ? html : tags[i][1]).replace('%tag', tags[i][0]).replace('%esc', escape(html)); } BUE.quickPop.open(eDefHTML(wrapAll, content, {'class': 'chooser'}), effect); } function eDefClickChoice(tag, html) { var html = unescape(html), partA = html.substr(0, html.indexOf('>')+1), E = BUE.active; eDefNoEnd(tag) ? E.replaceSelection(partA) : E.tagSelection(partA, html.substr(html.lastIndexOf('<'))); E.focus(); } //Tag toggling. if the selection is an instance of the tag remove the tag, otherwise insert it. function eDefTagger(tag, attributes, cursor) { var E = BUE.active, sel = E.getSelection(), dom = eDefParseTag(sel, tag), html = eDefHTML(tag, sel, attributes); if (dom) E.replaceSelection(dom.innerHTML, cursor); else if (sel) E.replaceSelection(html, cursor); else E.tagSelection(html.substr(0, html.indexOf('>')+1), html.substr(html.lastIndexOf('<')), cursor); } /* playback timings (ms): LoadShardBlock: 177.983 (3) esindex: 0.005 captures_list: 189.833 CDXLines.iter: 8.939 (3) PetaboxLoader3.datanode: 189.381 (4) exclusion.robots: 0.17 exclusion.robots.policy: 0.161 RedisCDXSource: 0.914 PetaboxLoader3.resolve: 53.547 load_resource: 288.914 */